Wednesday Night Lenten Potluck
March 26, 2025 - 6:30pm
The theme for this Wednesday's potluck supper is "Asian Food"! Please bring your favorite Chinese, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian dish or whatever you want.
See you at 6:30!

(The theme for April 2nd is "Italian" and the theme for April 9th is "Family Favorites" but please avoid pork for that meal.)
Latest News at
Colesville Presbyterian...
"Seasons of Love"
Sunday, March 30

CPC is happy to announce that our church is the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington's newest Partner in Harmony! One of GMCW's ensembles, Seasons of Love, is joining us for worship on Sunday, March 30 at 10:30 a.m. and we welcome everyone to this wonderful service of beautiful music and fellowship!
CPC Celebrates
Women's History Month

More than a widow, more than a wife—Coretta Scott King was a visionary activist, artist, and architect of the Beloved Community in her own right.
Call your Senator or Representative to make your voice heard!
Call your Senator or Representative to make your voice heard!
Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) 202-224-4654, Local office number: 301-545-1500 - Rockville, MD
Senator Angela Alsobrooks (D-MD) 202-224-4524
Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) 202-225-5341, Local office number: 301-354-1000 - Rockville, MD
To learn more about the issues at stake and access scripts to use when calling as well as find out your representative's phone number if you do not live in the Colesville/Silver Spring area, you are encouraged to visit 5calls.org.

Come worship with us every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. via YouTube.

Our high school youth group meets on Wednesday evening. Please contact the church for information - Email at office@colesvillepresbyterian.church or call 301-622-4555