Spiritual Formation @ CPC
Spiritual Formation at CPC aims to guide and support everyone in their ongoing spiritual development by designing and implementing programs, initiatives, and resources that encourage deeper relationships with God through prayer, scripture study, reflection, and other spiritual practices
All children are dearly loved and welcome in every part of church life at CPC. From weekly children's sermons and Sunday school to special intergenerational events and movie nights to pop-up Xmas pageants and more, CPC is committed to helping children grow in their faith, giving space for curiousity and a place to question and wonder, doubt and dream. We hope every child will know they are a blessing, dearly loved by God.
The goal of Youth Ministry at CPC is to help young people grow in their faith, create community where relationships can flourish, help develop a broader understanding of the world around them and give them a place where they can explore all of these concepts without judgement. We seek to create a place of belonging -- to yourself, to God, and to one another.
Be you. Belong. Become.
Adult Spiritual Formation at CPC seeks to meet people wear they are -- in faith or in doubt, in questioning or in believing. We offer opportunities to challenge adults -- young and old alike -- to consider how they are called to serve in the world, how their faith affects their lives every day, and what impact they will have in the world as they continue to seek God. Through weekly spiritual formation classes and bible study, both in person and online, as well as book study groups and affinity groups, CPC offers a wide variety of ways to both nuture faith and build community.